American 572 Tobacco Seeds



✅ These American 572 Tobacco Seeds Were Imported from the U.S. to the Philippines


The American 572 tobacco plants are tall with aromatic, superior-quality leaves. Perfect for flu cure or air drying. Originally imported from Ukraine, this tobacco variety is regarded as one of the best in the Americana range. With lots of room, full sun, and regular watering, this plant has the potential to grow quite huge. Plant seeds in the topsoil, give them some water, and keep them warm and in the sun.

This Americano 572 tobacco variety is a columnar form plant that is known for its aromatic and high grade leaf. It is best air dried or flu cured for optimum characteristics once finished. This particular Americano variety is known to be the best in its family. It is originally from Ukraine but made it’s way to the U.S. after it was recognized as a great performer in the country.


Growing Instructions

Germination of tobacco seeds is generally 7 – 10 days. Start indoors 4 – 8 weeks before transplanting. Sow thinly on surface of sterile soil mix. Do not bury. Press seeds firmly in soil. Mist with water. Keep evenly moist, but not soggy. When the seedlings are big enough (15cm – 20cm tall), transplant to soil or 10 gal pots. Make sure soil is close as possible to a pH of 5.8. If soil has pH of 6.5 or over, it results in poor growth. Water the tobacco thoroughly each evening for a few days as the plants settle. Once they become better established, you can water less frequently to avoid over-watering.


Fertilizing Tobacco

Tobacco needs fertilizers with balanced nutrients and a high nitrogen intake during the vegetative period for optimum growth. Fertilize tobacco every two weeks, modifying as the plant grows from seed to maturity. To avoid overfertilization, use between 25% and 50% of the suggested dosage from the manufacturer. Benefits include increased vitality and strong growth. It’s important to make seasonal modifications; in the cooler months, reduce frequency. Use slow-release formulations to ensure a steady supply of nutrients. After fertilizer, always give tobacco a thorough watering to promote nutrient absorption and avoid root burn.



Plant Height | 5-8′

Botanical Name | Nicotiana tabacum

Seed Type | Seed

Additional Characteristics | Oriental

Seeds Per Gram | 77,188

Packet | 10 seeds

Sow Depth | Top of Soil

Breed | Open-pollinated

Lighting Requirements| Full Sun

Life Cycle | Annual

Sow Method | Transplant

Categories | Herb

Days To Maturity (# Days) | 70


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